Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Berrima Continued

Give me strength...please!

A slice of Bithday cake follows GD's lunch of waffles and two scoops of ice cream.
The Cuz's
Ooh look, Heaven's short a couple o' angels

Tai Chi anyone?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Niece's and Granddad's Birthday

                  The Birthday Girl and Boy

 After braving a tension that dare not speak it's name we lunched at a pub in Berrima.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Back from Ironfest. Pleasant enough afternoon. Not too cold. Wife slowed us down by knowing every second market stall holder (Wife used to do markets and still supplies her leadlight and works at two co-op style art/craft shops). 
Also bumped into drummer Matthew (playing in jazz trio - horn,guitar,drums)  and his wife Marguerite. Jammed with him and his mates a few times a couple of years ago. Too hard for me to keep going because of work and frankly I often felt out of my depth. Mat's claim to fame was being the drummer on the old Mike Walsh show (younger readers ask your stay at home mothers). Anyway, there would be different people turn up every time and they were mostly seriously good. I would have learned a lot if I'd kept going but like I say, too hard. One of the guys (the guitarist on TMWS) did offer to give me free lessons. Why didn't I take him up?...Lazy I guess.
Anyway, back to Ironfest. One of the main things we went for was the jousting. We saw it last year and it was all very exciting. People in armour on horses charging at each other. This year all there was, was a few people chopping rock melons with swords. Not quite so dramatic!
Nice afternoon anyway.


Yahoo - ANZAC day holiday friday. Sleep in till 8 o'clock instead of 4:30, excellent! Except for waking up several times with a stinging willie, but probably no need to go too much into that! Suffice to say I have a bit of a stinging "down there" which comes and goes for more than a month now. Just when it gets bad enough to consider lowering me troos in front of the doctor it goes away. Anyway I'm sure you'll be delighted to be kept up to date with the saga of my fascinating foreskin.   
Soon as Girl Child gets back from her friend's birthday sleep over we're off to freeze our bits off at Ironfest in Lithgow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Where's the family?

Got home from work an hour later than usual, looking forward to seeing the kids (who are on holiday) and T (wife) for afternoon coffee (unfortunately decaf!) and unhealthy snacks. No one home, deaf and blind dog barely stirred and no milk for coffee. Having green tea and unhealthy snacks .  Normaly love to be alone, but after a couple of unsuccessful phone and text attempts I was having one of those "they really should be home by now" moments. Much happier after Boy Child returned my message from his mother's phone. Any message that ends with "love u" can't be bad.

Monday, April 21, 2008

First Post

Not much time to write now. I'm doing someone elses job at work for 3 weeks (2 and a bit weeks to go). I've gone from my usual job of not doing much - pretty much internetting all day and occasionally pressing a green button on a machine, Homer style - to this office job where I'm not sure what I'm really supposed to be doing and telling people that "I'll look into it" and wondering what the hell they're talking about. Anyway, I've got to go look into something, so hello and goodbye.

Sunday, April 20, 2008